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Unlimited Item Duplication Glitch | Minecraft Xbox 360 Cheats

Unlimited Item Duplication Glitch

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 3.9/5 (82 votes cast)

So it’s only been out for a day but someone already found out how to get infinite diamonds, or any unlimited items really. It’s surprisingly simple to duplicate items in the xbox version.

Requirements: 2 People (or just a second controller in split screen)


  1. Create a dispenser from 7 Cobblestone, 1 Bow and 1 Redstone Dust
  2. Place the item you want to duplicate in the dispenser (diamonds are good)
  3. Have your friend break the dispenser while you still have it open on your screen (this will change the item into a stack of 64)
  4. Put the stack of 64 in your inventory (not in your hotbar, it will disappear)
  5. One by one place the stack of items into a chest (not the whole stack at once)
  6. You’re done!

See how easy that is? I’m surprised they didn’t catch that before they released it 😀

Unlimited Item Duplication Glitch, 3.9 out of 5 based on 82 ratings

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